策劃:郭振超 展期:2007年6月24日-7月8日 開幕:2007年6月24日,下午2點 地址:上海市莫干山路50號4號A座1層 電話:021-62273991 網址:www.renkagabo.com
Curator by Zake Ku The Exhibition: 2007/6/24 -7/8 The Opening Party:2007/6/24 2:00 pm Address: 50 Moganshan.Rd.Building No4.1st floor.Shanghai 200060 Tel: 021-62273991 www.renkagabo.com
展覽: 2004 “房東和十三個房客”實驗藝術展?? 上師大琴房 2006 “我——我們”油畫展??? 無形畫廊 2006 “2000度新學院”油畫展?? 聚榮軒
Exhibition : 2004 " landlord and Thirteen Tenants," Experimental art exhibition PIANO ROOM Shang Hai Normal University 2006 "I --we" Painting Exhibition Wuxing Gallery 2006 "2000c New College" Painting Exhibition Jurongxuan
自述: 這些畫是從06年的六月底斷斷續續開始的,總體取了個題目,叫做“離去的離去…”,我想應該像寫詩一樣去畫畫。講述我自己在過去的日子裏,頭腦裏不斷閃爍的印記,那是一個表情,一個想法,出現在廣闊的空間裏,我想這或許可以填補我無定向的不安。剛剛說到這兒的時候突然覺得我這題目取得真好,一輩子都好用,因為人總是在離去的離去…… 這些畫的名字是取了一堆,抽籤決定誰叫哪個的,就像一個叫“杏花”的女孩,其實就是一個女孩,而不是杏花,所以當你看到被叫做“一條被做成夢的河”這幅畫的時候,千萬別問河在哪里。 畫這些畫的時候是在原本炎熱的上海的夏天,感謝上帝!這個夏天不僅不是特別的熱,還特別的愜意,一到晚上就降下溫來,還有風。反正實在有太多感恩的事情。 這個夏天每天都有風,並且有大片的雲彩飄來飄去。我在畫室畫畫的時候喜歡開著門,往外一望都是雲彩,所以這個夏天的每幅畫裏都飄著雲彩。在宿舍看書的時候,我喜歡打開窗,坐在地上,背靠一個裝滿棉花的大袋子,腳可以隨處亂放,有時候腳搭在袋子上,頭隨處亂放。 ?? ??? I began to draw these pictures by the end of June 2006. The theme is “leaving in the leaving…” I try to make my painting life poems. In these paintings, I describe the images flashing continually in my mind, which could be a facial expression, a thought in a wide space. Perhaps doing this can calm down my unrest of loss of direction. Saying this, I feel this theme is lasting, for people are always leaving for another destination. ??? I conceived a lot of names and decided by chance which name should go with a certain picture. Just as a girl named as Flower is still a girl, not a flower. So when you see a painting with the name of “A River Made into Dreams”, don’t ask me where the river is. ??? It was in a hot summer that I was painting these pictures. Thank God! It was not very hot, instead, it was fairly comfortable. In the evening, it cools down, and there is breeze. There are so many things that I should be grateful for. ??? There is wind everyday in this summer, and there are masses of clouds floating in the sky. I enjoy seeing the clouds through the door of my studio, and this is why there are clouds in each painting. While reading books in my room, I prefer to open the windows. Sit on the floor, use a bag filled with cotton to support my back, and rest my legs as I like. Sometimes I put my legs on the bay, and put my head anywhere comfortable.