1. 國外院校教授:
2. 國內(nèi)院校特邀嘉賓:
Photography Education Panel (I):
Connecting Photographic Education to the Changing Marketsfor Photography
Time: to be decided
Place: to be decided
Subject: Connecting Photographic Education to theChanging Markets for Photography
When markets for photography are changing, how do educators connectwhat they are teaching to what young photographers will confrontprofessionally? Traditional photographic markets continue to shrinkin the West while the demand for images continues to grow. How canthe photographic education community address the issues associatedwith these changing markets? Are educators in the east and the westteaching skills that are marketable?
1. Photography professors and experts from overseas
2. Photography professors and experts from China
1. 國外院校教授:
2. 國內(nèi)院校特邀嘉賓:
Photography Education Panel (II):
Visual Language Interpretation: a comparison between the East andthe West
Time: to be decided
Place: to be decided
Subject: Photography work interpretation --comparison and contrast
The Chinese photography educational system is distinct from thewestern system because of the different cultural background,overall school systems, and philosophies of education; therefore,the understanding and interpretation of visual language and imagestend to differ from their western counterparts. What are thedifferences? How can educational interaction be promoted betweenthe west and the Chinese photography community in order to gain abetter understanding?
In this panel, six educators will be invited to interpret selectedphotographic works, in the hope of helping the teachers andstudents understand photographic education and enhancecommunication. Members of the audience are encouraged to askquestions and present their own ideas.
1. Photography professors and experts from overseas
2. Photography professors and experts from China
Note: six professors from overseas and China areto be invited and paired to review the images provided and givetheir comments, so as to investigate the differences in visuallanguages. Further discussion and audience questiong are to beencouraged.