安娜·布萊茨基(Anna Brzyski)
???? Anna Brzyski is Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Studies at University of Kentucky. Her research interests focus on three main areas: problematic of cultural and economic value, the relationship between nationalism and modernism, and dynamics of artists’ groups and networks. She has published broadly on Central/Eastern European, in particular Polish, art and art discourse. Her work has been supported by grants from the Whiting, Luce, and IREX foundations and she is a recipient of the Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays Fellowships. Her translation work has been supported by the Erste Foundation (Austria). She is the editor of Partisan Canons (Duke University Press 2007), and three special issues of the journal Centropa: Modernism and Nationalism, Postmodernism and Postnationalism(with Peter Chametzky, September 2001), Parallel Narratives: Construction of National Art Histories in Central Europe (with Adrianne Kochman, September 2008), and Central European Art Groups, 1880-1914 (January 2011). Her articles have appeared in Art Criticism, Centropa, 19th Century Art Worldwide, RES, n-Media, and a number of anthologies. She is currently serving as the project editor for Central and Eastern Europe at Grove Art On-Line (Oxford University Press) and completing work on her book National Modernism: Polish Artists on the National and International Stage, 1870-1914.
???? 安娜·布萊茨基:肯塔基大學藝術史及視覺研究系副教授。主要研究領域:文化和經濟價值的問題,民族主義和現代主義的關系,藝術家和藝術圈運轉的動力。她的論文和演講稿廣泛的發表在中歐、東歐,尤其是波蘭的刊物中。安娜教授的研究工作受到了懷廷基金會、盧斯基金會以及國際研究與交流基金會的支持,曾獲得富布萊特項目資助,作為富布賴特學者在中國任教。她的譯作受澳大利亞埃斯特基金會支持。主編《派系規范》(杜克大學出版社,2007年),擔任“Centropa”三期專刊的主編工作(分別為“現代主義和民族主義”(2001年9月),“后現代主義和后民族主義”(2008年9月),“平行敘事:中歐藝術史的構建和中歐藝術家團體,1880-19149”(2011年1月)。論文發表于《藝術批評》、《centropade》 、《19世紀國際藝術》、《RES》、《n-Media》等雜志,并被多部文集收錄。現擔任格羅夫藝術在線(牛津大學出版社)中東歐藝術欄目主編,并編撰《國家現代主義:國內外舞臺上的波蘭藝術家,1870-1914》。