

時間: 2015-03-23 16:09:40 | 來源: 藝術中國

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朱锫是中國美術館及文化建筑設計領域中影響最大的建筑師之一。被美國赫芬頓郵報選為“當今世界最重要的5位(50歲以下)建筑師之一”(2011),被美國Architectural Record雜志評為“全球設計先鋒”(2007),被英國Wallpaper雜志授予“庫瓦西耶 設計獎” (2009)。

他先后應古根海姆藝術基金會的邀請設計北京古根海姆博物館,及阿布扎比古根海姆藝術館, 使他成為繼弗蘭克?萊特(Frank L Wright)、弗蘭克?蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)、扎哈?哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)之后世界上第四位設計古根海姆博物館的國際知名建筑師。代表作品包括蔡國強四合院改造(北京,2007),數(shù)字北京--奧運控制中心(北京,2008),OCT設計博物館(深圳,2011)等。最新設計組品包括北京民生當代美術館,北京太廟美術館,武漢大學美術館,西藏拉薩文化酒店,大理楊麗萍表演藝術中心等。


Pei Zhu

One of the leading Chinese architects, received his Master degree in Architecture both from Tsinghua University and UC Berkeley, he founded Studio Pei-Zhu in Beijing in 2005. Pei Zhu was named one of “the 5 greatest architects under 50” by the Huffington Post in 2011, won the Courvoisier Design Award by Wallpaper 2009, the Design Vanguard Award by Architecture Record in 2007, the China Award from Architectural Record in 2005 and DFA Grand Award and Special Award for Culture, Hong Kong, in 2008, Special Merit Award by UIA and UNESCO in 1989.

In 2006 and 2007, Pei Zhu was commissioned by Guggenheim Foundation to design Guggenheim Art Pavilion in Abu Dhabi, the Guggenheim Museum in Beijing. His built works include Cai Guo-Qiang Courtyard House Renovation (Beijing, 2007), Digital Beijing, Olympics Control Center (Beijing, 2008), OCT Design Museum etc... He is currently working on Minsheng Contemporary Art Museum in Beijing, Tai Miao Art Museum in Beijing, Art Museum of Wuhan University, A Hotel of Lasa in Tibet and the Performance Art Center in Dali.

He has also been selected as an architecture jury member for Mies van der Rohe Award in 2011 and Hong Kong Design Week in 2011. He is also teaching at Columbia University in New York.

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