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Daito Manabe北京之旅

藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-04-10 17:12:46 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


    Daito Manabe北京之旅


    簡短介紹Daito Manabe:當今世界最炙手可熱的新媒體藝術家,自2004年開始為奧地利林茨電子藝術大展做開幕表演嘉賓,名聲直逼池田亮司。曾經的職業是嘻哈DJ、設計師和電腦系統工程師。現在作為藝術家活躍于東京、荷蘭、奧地利等地。


    It will be the most exotic show on April in Beijing. 25th April, you are invited to see the performance of Japanese new media artist Daito Manabe in the central square of "Village" in San Li Tun. Daito Manabe is one of the well-known new media artists all over the world, who used to be the Hiphop DJ, graphic designer and computer system engineer. His fame has been approching Ryoji Ikeda after he was invited to be the performing guest of "Art Electronica" in Linz 2004. Now he is based in both Tokyo and Europe for exhibitions and performances.

    He will perform his superbe crazy "Face Visualizer" which is a device that converts the impulses of the facial muscles into electronic music. He will also perform as DJ/VJ too.

    Entrance for free.


    Artist: Daito Manabe

    演出時間:2009年4月25日周六 19點至21點

    Time of Performance : Saturday, 25th April 2009, 7pm-9pm

    演出類型:多媒體互動 / DJ+VJ

    Type of Performance: New Media Interactive / DJ+VJ


    Tickets: FREE

    地點: 三里屯Village 南庭 (橙色大廳和Apple Store面前的那個圓型廣場)

    Place: The Village South, Central Round Square (in front of The Orange Hall and Apple Store)

    主辦方:北京三里屯Village/國際交流基金日本文化中心/北京藝術實驗室/DorkBot Beijing

    Host: The Village / The Japan Foundation Beijing / Laboratory Art Beijing / DorkBot Beijing


    Producer: Li Zhenhua

    策展人:楊韜 (yang2)

    Curator: Yang Tao (aka Yang2)

    公關經理:施晶 (badbrain)

    P.R Manager: Shi Jing (aka badbrain)


    Designer: Vac Wang



    information for Lectures:


    時間time:04.27.2009, 18:30-20:30

    time: 27th April 2009, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    地點: 中央美術學院7號樓一層學術報告廳


    Address: Lecture Hall, 1st Fl., Building 7, Central Academy of Fine Arts,

    8 Hua Jia Di Nan Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing


    Support: CAFA Media Lab, School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts.


    時間:4月29日 [周3]下午2點30- 4點30

    Time: 29th April 2009, 2:30pm - 4:30pm



    The Japan Foundation Beijing

    301, 3rd Floor, SK Tower,. A-6 Jianguomenwai Dajie


    Language: Japanese


    Support: Japan Foundation Beijing



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