??? 包工頭樂隊通過對新媒體和資訊的整合,以現場表演的形式發掘中國城市建筑文化的傳奇。面對當前中國的城市化進程和中國當代藝術的市場神話 ,包工頭樂隊以ppt演出, 媒體發布會,藝術活動的介入等方式, 反復重疊藝術界和房地產投資這兩個領域里的生產與消費等話題,試圖 對'成功'與'成就'進行重新的定位。
??? 包工頭樂隊是一個發起于北京的藝術組合,小組成員包括觀念藝術家,作家,藝術策劃人以及建筑工人。小組的作品主要以干預的方式出現在媒體雜志,藝術博覽會和藝術節當中。作品也包括一些這個城市當中的高樓與立交橋。他們還非常樂于接受您所給予的回扣。
The Contractors is an ongoing multi-disciplinary project that explores the modern myth of Chinese urbanization and construction culture through performances, new media projects and information rendering.? An irreverent take on the runaway capitalist economy within China, we intend to draw parallels between rampant urban development and the current unbridled international market for contemporary Chinese art.? Previous projects-performances of power point presentations, fake media interviews, and impromptu interventions in art world events seek to re-position notions of 'success' and 'achievement' alongside issues of production and questionable business practices within the two overlapping worlds of art and property investment.
The Contractors is comprised of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural artists/writers/curators/construction workers from the USA and China. Conceived in 2006, The Contractors consist of three members: Rania Ho, Wei Weng and Pauline Yao. The group has organized interventions in printed magazines, art fairs and performance festivals, performed in nightclubs and has a formative online following. They also have a hand in the fabrication of high-rise skyscrapers and highway overpasses. The band is currently based in Beijing, China. They accept most bribes.