"The New Academic Approach Of Chinese Contemporary Art"
——Beijing Film Academy New Media Art Laboratory Exhibition
安德里亞·皚瑪·斯托安Andreea-Ema Stoian |保科豐巳Toyomi Hoshina
馮琳Feng Lin |谷優Gu You
管懷賓Guan Huaibin |胡成Hu Cheng
賈羽明gnimuyAij|姜竹松Jiang Zhusong
劉旭光Liu Xuguang|劉茜懿Liu Qianyi
劉丹姝Liu Danshu|陸新Lu Xin
馬索菲Ma Suofei |梅法釵Mei Fachai
孟昭然Meng Zhaoran |孟祥龍Meng Xianglong
牛大悟Daigo Ushi |裴麗Pei Li
戚依然Qi Yiran |沈朝方Shen Chaofang
石玩玩Shi Wanwan |宋建樹Song Jianshu
孫召永Sun Zhaoyong|湯姆·羅斯Thomas Rose
王婷婷Wang Tingting |王跖Wang Zhi、周戭Zhou Yin
葉鴻平Ye Hongping|張冰Zhang Bing
張帥Zhang Shuai|張次禹Zhang Ciyu|周宜寧Zhou Yining
新媒體未來藝術小組New Media Future Art Group:
陳藝軒Chen Yixuan+高潔Gao Jie+金典Jin Dian+田禹Tian Yu+閆石含玉Yan Shihanyu+朱姝Zhu Shu
劉旭光Liu Xuguang
展覽總監/Exhibition Director:
查一辛Zha Yixin
助理策展人/Assistant Curators:
吳燕Wu Yan、王尤Wang You、冀樅Ji Cong
執行策劃/Executive Curator:
指導單位/Direct Units:
Suzhou Industrial Park culture,sports and Tourism Bureau
蘇州工業園區公共文化中心Suzhou Industrial Park Public Cultural Center
北京電影學院美術學院School of Fine Arts Beijing Film Academy
展覽時間/Date: December:
2022年12月6日-2023年3月21日 8, 2022 - March 21, 2023
蘇州金雞湖美術館 Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum
由蘇州工業園區文體旅游局指導、蘇州工業園區公共文化中心主辦、北京電影學院美術學院協辦的“中國當代藝術新學院方式——北京電影學院新媒體藝術實驗室特展”(The New Academic Approach Of Chinese Contemporary Art"Beijing Film Academy New Media Art Laboratory Exhibition)將于2022年12月6日在蘇州金雞湖美術館拉開帷幕,此次展覽由劉旭光(Liu Xuguang)擔任策展人。
Over the past century, Chinese contemporary art has driven the combination of the concepts of science and art, opening up a new world in the fields of plastic art and visual art. We exand discover the visual space of art, and strive for the possibility of more artistic creation in the dimension of art. For this reawe have held five“Beijing Film Academy International New Media Art Triennial”, and have held exhibitions in Japan, South Korea, The United States has held many international new media art exhibitions, as well as many international new media art and digital interactive art projects and exhibitions, and held international new media art experimental film seminars; these activities continue to enrich our"The New Academic Approach of Chinese Contemporary Art".
“本展邀請了 32位 (組 )當代藝術家參加本次展覽,其中大部分是北京電影學院新媒體藝術實驗室出身的藝術家,同時也有常期與北京電影學院交流合作的國內外藝術家,他們帶來的作品形態豐富:有架上、裝置、圖片、數字圖像、影像、聲音藝術、交互與沉浸式藝術,探索性電影和新媒體藝術實驗電影等 60件作品。體現出“中國當代藝術的新學院方式”下的教學與創作,也體現著國際交流與多元發展的成果。”
This exhibition invites 32 contemporary artists (groups) to participate in this exhibition, most of them are artists from the New Media Art Laboratory of Beijing Film Academy, and there are also domestic and foreign artists who regularly exchange and cooperate with Beijing Film Academy. His works are rich in forms: there are 60 works on the shelf, installations, pictures, digital images, video, sound art,interactive and immersive art, exploratory films and experimental films of new media art. It reflects the teaching and creation under the"New Academy Approach of Chinese Contemporary Art", as well as the achievements of international exchanges and diversified development.
——策展人/Curator:劉旭光 Liu Xuguang
|關于策展人/About Curator|
劉旭光 Liu Xuguang