老虎——劉鼎個展 ? UniversalStudios-Beijing, 北京 (中國)
每周二到周日Tuesdays to Sundays
受博爾赫斯 的詩歌的啟發,劉鼎將這個深具啟發性的動物作為他最新個展的主要前提。“老虎”——象征著能量,權力和神秘,同樣也暗喻著當今社會是如何獲得它所需要的力量和活力。劉鼎的最新裝置作品一一詮釋了這些主題:白色的水泥柱錯落有序的疊放成一個壯觀的金字塔,一張完整的虎皮攤放在水泥金字塔的基部顯眼處,在藍色燈光的映照下,整個展廳如同一個夢境之地,讓人浮想聯翩。
電話: Tel: +86-10—6432-2620
電子郵件Email: info@universalstudios.org.cn
網址: Web:www.universalstudios.org.cn
地圖Map: http://www.universalstudios.org.cn/about/map.htm
Tiger 老虎 Liu Ding’s Solo Exhibition UniversalStudios-Beijing, 北京 (中國) 2007.6.30-–2007.7.28 每周二到周日Tuesdays to Sundays 11:00-18:00 Inspired by a short story of Jorge Louis Borges, Liu Ding’s solo exhibition takes this evocative animal as its central premise. Symbolising energy, power and a certain mysticism, the tiger is also a metaphor for how society obtains its energy and dynamism. Liu Ding’s new installation work investigates these themes: composed of tens of concrete beams sprayed white and stacked together to form an imposing pyramidal structure, the flayed skin of a tiger will be visible at the base of the overlapping beams. Bathed in blue light the entire exhibition will also be transformed into a meditative, dream-like space. For more information please contact us via: Telephone:+86-10-64322620 Email:info@universalstudios.org.cn Web:www.universalstudios.org.cn Map:http://www.universalstudios.org.cn/about/map.ht