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[專稿] 精藝軒畫廊參展臺北國際藝術博覽會

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-08-26 10:35:08 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  誠邀 閣下光臨 精藝軒畫廊

  Presenting works by the following artist 參展藝術家如下:
  Alan Chan 陳幼堅
  Chen Jianguo 陳建國
  Gao Zengli 高增禮
  Lei Ling 雷玲
  Li Yibing 李一丙
  Liu Xuejun 劉學軍
  Lo Shyh-charng 羅世長
  Water Poon 水禾田
  Yan Wong 黃仁達
  Zhang Wanxin 張萬新




  精藝軒畫廊將在九月展出的陳建國油畫專題 ﹣“升華”。陳建國生于中國河北省,O二年進駐北京宋莊畫家村從事藝術創作至今。“升華”系列在“藝術北京2007國際藝術博覽會”上推出亮相后,引起了收藏界及各方面的關注。



  For years Chen Jianguo has tried to capture an image of “Hope”, a common conviction of mankind, on canvas. He went through a long and treacherous journey, painting and repainting over earlier works. Exhibits in Sublimation, September’s exhibition at Art Beatus Gallery, are the results of how he contained that abstract notion so viewers can visualize glorious moments of hope amidst dismay, disaster or destruction.

  “In my works, I put on display some of the fine details in life. These things are the most touching yet often ignored parts around us. I find that meaningful communications of these niceties are the best ways to defuse destructive forces, “ Chen said.

  “To depict this concept visually on canvas has been quite frustrating for me. After numerous trials and errors, I have succeeded juxtaposing the fine details together as well as assuming some sort of posturing of my own. Every ethnic group, every country and every person loves to put on an overtly different positioning, yet there are common denominators. Beauty is one of them and I have adopted it as my language.”

  Chen, a native of Hebei, has worked quietly in Song Zhuang, the artists’ enclave north of Beijing, since 2002 after graduated from the Fine Art Department of Hebei Light Industry Management School.

  In this exhibition, viewers witness the scenic beauties as well as the destructive forces in life. They also observe the horrors of natural and man-made disasters. Yet in the midst of all these, they see HOPE.

  Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 35-39 Graham Street, Central, near the junction with Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace (SOHO Area).

  For further information about this exhibition, please e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call at 852-2522-1138 / 2526-0818.

  Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays public holiday.


  展覽詳情請電郵或致電 852-2522.1138/2526.0818查詢。
  畫廊開放時間:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公眾假期休息。

  We are pleased to announce the participation of
  Art Beatus Gallery
  Art Taipei 2008
  Booth #B29
  August 28 - September 2, 2008
  Taipei World Trade Center, Exhibition Hall, 5 Hsin-Yi Road, Sec. 5, Taipei, 11011, Taiwan
  For further information, please e-mail us at or call at 852-2526-0818 / 2522.1138.
  詳情可電郵或致電 852-2522.1138 / 2526.0818查詢。

  www.art beatus.com

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